Sword Art Online II 10

Sword Art Online II 10






Kirito manages to kill Musketeer X, who turns out to be a normal player, not Death Gun. He saw Sinon unconscious so he rushed to help her just in time before Death Gun shoot her.

Now that GGO becomes equally dangerous as real world, Shino Asada’s trauma is back, haunting Sinon’s character. When Kirito and Sinon are trying to escape from Death Gun, she fails to pull the trigger to destroy a mechanical horse. This almost cost them their life as Death Gun uses that horse to pursue them.

With a little bit of usual encouraging drama, Kirito helps Sinon to pull herself out and can shoot Death Gun. the shot itself missed, but it hits a car nearby and caused an explosion. Most likely Death Gun is not dead, but he is probably injured from the explosion.

Kirito and Shinon find a cave to hide, avoiding satellite scan. Shinon breaks down and tells Kirito about her past. Kirito admits that he’s a survivor of SAO and had past issues with Death Gun and his guild called Laughing Coffin.

A rather dark episode. But I’m glad that Kirito and Sinon know each other’s dark past now. Heck, what’s with Kirito and his ability to make multiple girls cry?



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